HJY bio photo


A Code Lover. Also good at cooking


some linux commands I found useful

A useful website that explains flag one by one

find PATH OPTION [-exec COMMAND { } \;]  
find / -type f -mtime -7 | xargs tar -rf weekly_incremental.tar   
find . \(-name a.out -o -name ‘*.o’\)> -atime +7 -exec cat {} \;   
find PATH1 PATH2 OPTION |	egrep "pattern"  
find –name "filename-with-wildcard"  
find !–name "filename-with-wildcard-that-want-exclude"  
find / -mmin -10   
-type x [df]
  • egrep:
egrep -r "text1|text2” directory-path 
egrep "text string to search” directory-path     
egrep -r "redeem reward" /home/tom/  
-E, --extended-regexp  egrep  
-F, --fixed-strings  fgrep 
  • text replacing
#replace the 'f**k' of all text files in the directory with "lovely"     
find . -type f  |egrep "\.txt$" |xargs sed -i -e 's/fuck/lovely/g'  
#replacing with Chinese word is also feasible  
find . -type f  |egrep "\.txt$" |xargs sed -i -e 's/fuck/亲爱的/g'  
#having zero-extension ‘’ after -i will have no backup, as sed -i '' -e 'patten'  
  • mkdir -p a/long/directory/path
    Make directory including intermediate directories

  • cd -
    change to the previous working directory

  • $_ or !$: the last argument of the previous command.
    Ctrl+U to clear up to the beginning.
    Ctrl+K to delete to the end of line
    Ctrl+Y yank

  • ls -lha ls -R

  • unzip *.zip

  • git clone user_name@subdomain.domain.com:public/csweb
    git clone –bare URL